Young Professionals

YP Benefits

About Us

Young Professionals of Singapore is a thriving network created in 2018 to provide an engaging atmosphere for young professionals living in Singapore. Our members can take part in a range of enriching activities, such as after-work socials, seminars with influential speakers, company visits and outdoor excursions – all designed to facilitate personal growth while fostering business connections across the city.


Become a Member in our Network!

Join our exciting network of young professionals in Singapore. Our diverse group is made up of individuals under 35 years old with a Swedish background or who have worked/studied in Sweden as well as those employed by SwedCham’s member companies. 

With a free membership, you gain access to an incredible range of benefits:

  • Access to a diverse network of young professionals
  • Exclusive YP events
  • Networking opportunities at SwedCham events

Sign up today and be part of our vibrant professional network.


YP Benefits


Register here for your free membership: 



Reach out to YP President Sanna Britsman with any questions.





Young Professionals Committee

Sanna Britsman

President of YP Committee

Simon Fahlen

Vice-President of YP Committee

Beatrice Hallin

Member of YP Committee

Kim Marsch

Member of YP Committee