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Be a part of Singapore's first-ever career and sports fusion event featuring the Swedish game of floorball on 12-13 April 2025 at Our Tampines Hub (OTH). The Sweden Open serves as a next-generation career fair, providing a unique platform for young talent in Singapore to connect with Swedish companies.

Through this unique collaborative initiative, sponsored by 13 SwedCham companies, SwedCham has linked arms with a garden community in Bukit Batok as well as with South West CDC and the People's Association in Bukit Batok.

#candid: 100 Perspectives on Gender Equality in Singapore - an unprecedented collection of voices speaking out on the important role of women in society and business. - a SwedCham initiative to celebrate the Year (2021) of the Woman in Singapore.

In October 2021, SwedCham Singapore launched a pioneering cross-industry female mentorship program aimed at up-and-coming female leaders in middle management positions among our member companies.


The Sweden-Singapore (SESG) initiative is an exceptional collaboration launched during the pandemic, with the message: In times of crisis, businesses - big and small - need to work together to emerge stronger. The initiative rallied Swedish multinationals and local SMEs in Singapore to work together, exchanging experiences, knowledge and opportunities. The aim was to create a positive impact ...

The Women 4 Women (W4W) Sounding Board groups created an opportunity for peers to meet and discuss their unique professional challenges, as well as develop strategies to reaching their individual goals. Taking place over eight sessions per year – online and face-to-face – the program has been a roaring success and is now on its third consecutive year.


The awards Swede of the Year and Swedish Company of the Year, aim to recognize initiatives from people and organisations that have made a remarkable footprint in Singapore.

This challenge-based initiative encouraged members to make a zero plastic waste resolution in 2018 and involved halting the use of single-use plastic bottles or cups in their workplaces.