Image via LGBT Center Flickr

Gay Pride Week is about to kick off, and with so many different events going on how are you meant to choose? Here at The Core we have decided to streamline all the happenings and select a few key events that you must attend.

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Despite the weather being slightly bi-polar recently, it is undeniable that summer is finally underway. Check out some of the great outdoor eateries New York City has to offer this summer.

Vada Spa – Various specials including Massage and Manicure $65

Amazing portable turntable which Dads can use to convert any old vinyl into WAV or MP3. It runs on battery power or can be plugged into the wall, and it is durable which enables you to carry it around with you.

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Not everyone has the luxury of air conditioning, with 90 degree heat we need to get creative to get through the hot days.

Sixth Avenue is one of the most crowded streets when the clock hits 5 o’clock, and there’s nothing to wash away the long day like a great manicure that is less than 15 bucks. Stop at one of these locations on your way out!

Summer has arrived and with it comes the heat, unruly hair and beach body pressure. Take advantage of all the different pampering opportunities in New York this summer.


“Jazz in the Square”, hosted by the New School, takes place every Tuesday and Thursday between 12:00pm and 1:30pm. It works on a first-come first-served basis, so head on over whether it be your lunch hour or your time off.


New Yorkers are proud of many things, but a green thumb is usually not one of them. So now, even those of us who are too incompetent (read: “busy”) to water a plant once a day can enjoy some fresh herbs!

We all say “Hmmm… you’re right. I should get tested sometime.” But now, we are telling you to stop what you are doing, open up your calendar, and write it in.


Every year, we’re all complaining about the cold, wishing it were warmer, waiting for the sun to come out. Then, one day, all our wishes come true. And we hit ourselves over the head for not appreciating winter more.