Photo by Timothy Schenck

Stop by the High Line every Tuesday, from 8:00 to 11:00 AM, to assist High Line Gardeners and High Line Custodians with their morning activities, such as pruning the plants, weeding the beds, raking leaves, cleaning the park’s design features, and more.

You just got out of the office…what now? Meet up with some friends and go grab cheap(er) drinks before calling it a night. Here’s a list of our top downtown spots to go for a happy hour or three… Feel free to comment and add any suggestions.

Photo by Timothy Schenck

Stop by the High Line every Tuesday, from 8:00 to 11:00 AM, to assist High Line Gardeners and High Line Custodians with their morning activities, such as pruning the plants, weeding the beds, raking leaves, cleaning the park’s design features, and more.